Life, Travel

Tinder moments in Madrid.

Although this is technically my second visit to Madrid. As my first trip to Madrid was back in 2015 when I decided to live for awhile in Paris. Turns out a friend I had met on a previous adventure in Belize en route to Guatamela was also in Europe the first week of my arrival. […]

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Life, Travel

A golden opportunity

For years I’ve dreamed about experiencing the Golden Door. Rated as the World’s Most Iconic spa by Conde Nast (article below), is certainly appealing and note-worthy, though I knew there was much more behind “the door” even beyond their noteworthy and very prestigious ranking. It took an unfortunate tragedy in my life to lead me […]

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Life, Travel

What’s in a city?

After spending close to three weeks in New York  to open the World Trade Center, I realized what the energy of a city can do.  Either a city can empower and invigorate (More often than not) while others will chew you up and spit you out.  Time out magazine wrote on the topic of: Does […]

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Insatiable desire for Adventure….

Being raised in simpleton Amish Country, I always knew there was more to life out there than simply living my entire existence in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.   And as soon as I got my drivers license, I was out adventuring.  Always!  I would literally drive four hours just to go to the beach for a day, only to turn around […]

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