

For as long as I can recall I’ve had what was before a bit of a quiet obsession with France.  Growing up with a Grandfather who traveled the world a zillion times.  Even going to Epcot at DisneyWorld meant that I could finally make my way to my beloved.  (Or at the very least, a […]

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Culture, Travel

An unrealistic Romance with a place called Cuba.

My love for Latin culture runs deep.  The irony is I have no idea why.  I grew up with German roots in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and yet a salsa song comes on and you’d think I’m busy celebrating my very own Quincenara.  I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy many incredible adventures to Latin countries- from Colombia […]

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Life, Travel

What’s in a city?

After spending close to three weeks in New York  to open the World Trade Center, I realized what the energy of a city can do.  Either a city can empower and invigorate (More often than not) while others will chew you up and spit you out.  Time out magazine wrote on the topic of: Does […]

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Fashion, Life

My love for SANDRO…

Working in the world of retail for as long as I have, I’ve been fortunate enough to be familiar with many global brands, even as they are just starting to open up shop in the United States.  For me, I have, luckily, been familiar with Sandro for many years.  Though now, having lived in Paris for […]

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