La Rive Gauche et Le Bon Marche, S’il vous plait!
I’ve always heard about life on la Rive Gauche…and I am thankful now to be living it, myself. As I now reside, just a mere two blocks away from the spectacular and historic, Le Bon Marche, which is simply divine and dangerous all at the same time! As this grand magasin, has been open […]
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Ooh La La, Le Marais
Le Marais, what I’ll always remember as a spicy, edgy, phenomenal place to get lost for hours- enjoying the quaint streets, the small boutiques and some of the best shopping in all of Paris. These petite streets are beyond charming. It’s almost as if they’re enticing you to stroll along to get consumed within it […]
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What a difference a day makes…
Like most places, when you’re a “stranger” in a new city (as they call foreigners here in Paris), there’s always adjustments to be made. The continual joke for living here in Paris is that perhaps I’m too smiley for this town and that I somehow need to perfect my “resting bitch face!” Well, today it […]
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Dam(n), I love Amsterdam!
Although I’ve been before, I was ready to explore and experience Amsterdam once again. I left Paris to experience a new city…especially as most Parisians are on vacation anyway… and I didn’t come to Paris to hang out with Americans. I must say that the driving, even the walking around in Amsterdam is complete insanity. Bikes […]
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Parisians, n’est sont pas ici…so off to Monet’s garden, I go!
August is certainly an interesting time to be in Paris. Summer heat, sunshine blazing and yet, only Americans to be found. Not the real Paris I came to experience. I had been forewarned that Parisians vacation during the month of August. Though I truly had no idea they took off for the entire month. This […]
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Treasure Trove…and Luxe alike…
Marche aux puces, Saint-Ouen on a Sunday afternoon. Designer finds and uniqueness extraordinaire. Guaranteed to be a feast for your eyes, with offerings ranging from very pricey and tres jolie chandeliers to vintage Chanel pieces that are in pristine condition. And might I add, way better than bringing home yet an eiffel tower keychain! Although […]
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Closed for Vacances!!
For someone like myself…Someone who not only is known to be a queen of shopping, though who also has worked in the world of retail for most of my professional career, representing the best of global and local brands alike, I was surprised to see that Paris truly does shut down during the month of […]
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Insatiable desire for Adventure….
Being raised in simpleton Amish Country, I always knew there was more to life out there than simply living my entire existence in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. And as soon as I got my drivers license, I was out adventuring. Always! I would literally drive four hours just to go to the beach for a day, only to turn around […]
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From Flood…to France!
Here I sit, flooded carpet, cut-out dry wall, dehumidifier set at a balmy 105 degrees….damaged condo all around. This is it. This is the last message needed to send me on my way. For months, I’ve been seeing signs to head to Paris, though to be honest, I hadn’t paid much attention. Why would I? […]
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