Ok, so maybe not the Stars, though no doubt the Scarfs and the Stripes. I’ve always thought of Parisians as wearing stripes, a beret and having a baguette in tow, each day. And I have to say, I’m fairly close. Maybe not so much the beret, but certainly stripes and baguettes. And why wouldn’t you? Paris by far, has the best bread around! I honestly have no problem eating just a baguette for a meal, by itself-it’s That GOOD! I’ve even heard they bake their baguettes with less glutens, which in my minds means it’s “healthy” and delicious….and guilt free!
Though as for the other French traditions it seems to be quite true. As I was a bit surprised to find that from Souvenir shops, to locals alike, Stripes can be seen everywhere in this town. Which suits me just fine as I tend to think that stripes are just another Basic, like a plain colored tee. I’ve historically not been much of a “print wearing kind of gal” that is until I started working with and representing brands like Custo Barcelona, Desigual and other International brands that have forced me to branch out of my traditional/classic mold. Again, I was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania- not really a place where they honor and cherish fashion per se. Though I have to say that I simply love the fact that Parisians love their stripes!
As for scarfs- yet another must have item while in Paris. It tends to rain a fair amount here. Which, quite honestly was news to me. So along with your handy dandy umbrella, a scarf is another essential. Not only to change up and add a little “Je ne sais quoi” but also as a way to cover your newly coiffed “Do” and/ or to cover up and keep you from the chill in the air, especially during a sporadic and almost always guaranteed rain storm. As you’re bound to get caught in one! So embrace the romance of these refreshing storms, just don’t get caught out in one, or be prepared to do so.
Therefore, if you are to find yourself headed to Paris and are like myself, a big fan of stripes, be sure to pack them up, pack them in…and you’ll fit right in! All you’ll need is a baguette, in your tote, to finish off the final look and you’re ready for Paris, my sweet!