Although I’ve been before, I was ready to explore and experience Amsterdam once again. I left Paris to experience a new city…especially as most Parisians are on vacation anyway… and I didn’t come to Paris to hang out with Americans.
I must say that the driving, even the walking around in Amsterdam is complete insanity. Bikes everywhere. Cars everywhere. Shouting from bikers… A gazillion accidents waiting to happen!!
Though this place is truly unique. From their edgy style to the incredible cuisine. Sadly, from my little suitcase, I was ill-prepared for the fashion sense in this city. No sandals, except for me and a family of tourist. Mostly converse. Dark colors predominantly. Seattle hipster vibe. Had shorts on….complete Ridiculousness. Clearly, my packing has failed me. Perhaps it’s so I can further justify purchases I make!! It is an emergency you see. A girl can’t freeze in the middle of summer when there are plenty of enticing opportunities to expand upon my wardrobe!!
For a traditional mall girl, there is something truly dynamic about street side fashion. There is inspiration everywhere. Not your perfectly manicured shopping centers, splattering ads throughout. Just the incredible architecture and unique dynamic this city offers.
For me, fashion is everywhere. I love to seek it out while I stroll around aimlessly, through these foreign streets. I explore random alleys with my handbag and an open mind, open to the experience. To see. To be inspired.